Freelance work – 2018

Wow it’s been a while since my last post!! I have generally been a lil busy (read : lazy) with taking pictures. A quick update since 2015 – we moved to our first own house in early 2016 n I got a job in mid 2016 and enjoyed the new phase well for 18 monthsContinue reading “Freelance work – 2018”

New neighborhood new iClicks!

We moved to a new house just recently. There’s a beautiful walking trail from our house. I never found time in the last 2 weeks cos we had to settle down. And also I was upset due to various personal reasons. Didn’t feel like stepping out of the house when not required. But today IContinue reading “New neighborhood new iClicks!”

A walk to remember

What a way to start the week! On Monday after dropping my daughter in school me n mil jus decided to step out for a walk as the weather was so awesome! There is this beautiful park close to my place and sad part is I ve been there only once and that too fromContinue reading “A walk to remember”

Ray Roberts Lake State Park

Yay! I have some new pics to post apart from my usual apartment clicks!! We had been to a state park last evening. It was a jus like that drive that led us to this destination. The weather was really nice yesterday. Rained a bit in the morning n then it was very pleasant throughContinue reading “Ray Roberts Lake State Park”