Freelance work – 2018

Wow it’s been a while since my last post!! I have generally been a lil busy (read : lazy) with taking pictures.

A quick update since 2015 – we moved to our first own house in early 2016 n I got a job in mid 2016 and enjoyed the new phase well for 18 months as it was a contract job n again totally enjoyed a 11 month break before starting my new job again just last month! So life is good and busy. Liking it.

Recently started clicking some maternity pictures..and later did some free photo shoots for 4 families and got few pics added to my profile 🙂 couple of more free shoot sessions are pending which I may do in the coming weekends!

Here are few pics from my shoots –

Published by Jayashree Anand

Okay .. this would be a judgement call! Anyways little known fact, I am an ambivert ...! I am not very futuristic..i totally think its a mirage! I have my own do’s and don’ts for the "present". Recently I started enjoying blogging.

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