Chillin’ at Hagerman Wildlife Refuge

Hey y’all! Just wanted to share some cool moments from my day at Hagerman Wildlife Refuge. It’s this awesome spot in Texas where you can just kick back and enjoy nature doing its thing.

Starting Off

So, I hit the road to Hagerman and let me tell you, the place is huge! Like, over 11,000 acres of pure nature. When I got there, the open skies and the quietness were just what I needed.

Birds and More Birds

This place is like a bird hotel. They’re all over, especially the ones that don’t stick around all year. Watching them fly around was like seeing a live painting. Super cool.

Wetlands Are Where It’s At

The wetlands are the heart of the refuge. It’s where the fish chill and the birds come to snack. The water’s all shiny and calm, perfect for that golden hour selfie.

Walking It Out

They’ve got trails for days. I took one called Crow Hill Trail and saw wildflowers and tall grasses that made me forget I had a phone. Every corner was a new surprise.

Pics or It Didn’t Happen

I snapped a ton of pics. Each one tells a little story about this place and how it’s just doing its thing, no matter what’s going on in the world.

Wrapping Up

When the sun dipped and it was time to head out, I felt like I left a piece of my heart at Hagerman. It’s more than a wildlife spot; it’s a place to find some peace.

A Royal Shoot

I got to do this Diwali mini photo shoot for our Jashn.

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Here we go again…

Hello World..! Here I am back again with my favorite subject – the sun and sky and the beautiful flowers from my front yard and just one for my love for the moon.. 🙂 pictures clicked using my iphone14 pro max and mostly processed using PS Express.

Once in a Blue Moon..:)

This August 2023 was one of my favorite this year..! It was extremely hot in Texas.. but I m not going to complain about that. The 2 super moon’s made up for the bad weather. My love for moon continues.. here are some super moon clicks and also few other pics of moon in different phases taken in August! Oh and also got to watch the super moon from my telescope!! But no I don’t have pics from it as I have not connected my phone to it yet! But it was a lovely experience to see it through telescope!!

Moon phases

Jashn – a Royal Saga

Watch out for this website – soon to be a new blog in the web:) until then you can check out our insta profiles –

Photography –

Aurum –

Makeup Artist –

The site was born when 3 people who are very passionate about their hobby/interests met together n are ready to take this to next stage! This is what happens when a fashion designer, makeup artist and photographer come together.

Here are few pics from our very first photo shoot –

Sun, Moon n everything nice!

Here are some if my recent iclicks of my fave sun n moon with my iPhone 14 pro max 🙂 most of these pics processed using ps express or snapseed 🙂

In love with Moon..

Here are some of my recent capture of moon, Jupiter, Venus 🙂 all of them clicked and processed using my iPhone 14ProMax and ps express 🙂

Full moon rise – March 2023
Moon – Jupiter – Venus
Moon Jupiter Venus conjunction
If.. composite image.
Red moon rise March 07, 2023!

Used PS Express for post processing!

Yay! My fave spring season is around the corner n loving Texas weather! Will come back with fresh spring pictures shortly!!! Will also be planting my fave flowers shortly!! Until then enjoy these!!

One Tree..Multiple Colors..

The view I get to see from my work spot at home, the view I see every day when I open my front door 🙂 Life is beautiful!!! Can’t ask for more! Here are few pics of this lovely 4 seasons tree – with awesome colors!! Will post back pics in spring of this same awesome tree with its tiny white flowers all over!!!

Fall 2022