A walk to remember

What a way to start the week! On Monday after dropping my daughter in school me n mil jus decided to step out for a walk as the weather was so awesome! There is this beautiful park close to my place and sad part is I ve been there only once and that too from my old place! So took this chance to go there that day! There were so many birds chirping all the time n cool breeze as well!! There was a guy who was fishing n getting his lunch/dinner ready! 😉

Apart from him there were hardly any people seen! I felt bad for not taking my canon along… It was so sudden that we went jus after dropping her in school. Hmmm another time may be! Hope to have pleasant weather for few more days before winter could come in 😦 it’s already in lower or higher 50’s I think and I m feeling too cold :((

And what else will I do when I have my iPhone on hand?!?! Yea I clicked few pics and processed them using befunky app!!

But was lil busy processing my canon clicks and transferring stuffs to my external hard drive.. Found lil time finally to post it here!







Published by Jayashree Anand

Okay .. this would be a judgement call! Anyways little known fact, I am an ambivert ...! I am not very futuristic..i totally think its a mirage! I have my own do’s and don’ts for the "present". Recently I started enjoying blogging.

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