Colors of Dallas!!

Here are few pics of the lovely colors of the leaves! The city is starting to look more beautiful and colorful now!! The weather adds up to the beauty too!!! And this weather tempts me to step out for stroller walks with with my lil munchkin n toddler and needless to mention with my iPhone!!Continue reading “Colors of Dallas!!”

In the butterfly garden

We went to a park nearby on Sunday. I was lil lucky with my iphonography! I got few shots of butterflies using my iPhone. A new subject after a long time!! :)) I wanted to restrict my pics to jus butterflies, but couldn’t resist uploading the pic of my dottie holding that lil flower!! :))Continue reading “In the butterfly garden”

Orange hour

Here are few pics clicked and processed using my iPhone! These pics were clicked during my failed sunset trip to lewisville lake park.! All of them were processed in be funky app and played with few presets n adjusted the hues. Tried jus one black n white. Tried a few more in black n whiteContinue reading “Orange hour”

A walk to remember

What a way to start the week! On Monday after dropping my daughter in school me n mil jus decided to step out for a walk as the weather was so awesome! There is this beautiful park close to my place and sad part is I ve been there only once and that too fromContinue reading “A walk to remember”

Chilly weekend

Ooo the weekend was sooo chilly donno from where all the chillness came from…it was in late 80’s on Friday n allocate a sudden was in early 50’s from Saturday n it’s gonna be chilly tomorrow too šŸ˜¦ I am not a fan of winter/cold weather anyday. Prefer a hot sunny day to this chillyContinue reading “Chilly weekend”

My unconventional compositions

Here are some of my unusual post processed pics clicked and processed using my iPhone. I was jus seeing through few pics on instagram n other photog sites n found many differently processed pics.. They would have played a lot with hues n saturation. I tried my hands on those too jus recently. I usuallyContinue reading “My unconventional compositions”