Fall 2013 @ Sulphur, Oklahoma

This is my most favorite time of the year! Soon the holidays start up!! With Thanks giving n Christmas coming up, the city ll look more beautiful with lights everywhere! And if we are lucky, we could see lil whites everywhere around Christmas! Ok, there’s still 2 months for that! The real happyness right nowContinue reading “Fall 2013 @ Sulphur, Oklahoma”

Fossil Rim Wildlife Center

This was a place i have been wanting to go since last year. But we never found the right time or rather this place never crossed our minds when there were opportunities to go! We got a chance to visit this place finally! It was a sudden plan made at midnight last weekend. We couldContinue reading “Fossil Rim Wildlife Center”

A walk to remember

What a way to start the week! On Monday after dropping my daughter in school me n mil jus decided to step out for a walk as the weather was so awesome! There is this beautiful park close to my place and sad part is I ve been there only once and that too fromContinue reading “A walk to remember”