Eisenhower state park!

It’s almost a week since the long weekend is over! This time we took it easy. We didn’t wanna take a flight n make it hectic with the lil active toddler. Or we didn’t wanna go somewhere driving n stay too, mainly cos we didn’t find any nice cabins in any of the places we wanted to go. So jus decided to take it easy! Also it’s been long since we took a break from long weekends!

We wanted to go to a water theme park, but didnt have company n had to drop that plan. So we jus took it easy on saturday…until evening n suddenly decided to step out for sunset watch! I actually wanted to go to Hugo lake state park for sunset and it was 2.5 hrs. We should have left at 4 with enough buffer time to do some trails n bird photography n then sunset over the lake.

It was 5 pm when my daughter woke up n then had to feed her something n it was 530 by then. So we jus decided to go some place lil closer. We decided on lake texoma. We had been there before. It’s only some 1.5 hrs from my place!

I jus packed my camera bag n some lil snacks n water for my baby n we left home! Had my fave music blasting through out the drive! The sky was good too with many clouds!

I was so excited n was dreaming about different compositions in mind! This time my husband didn’t check the route before leaving, neither did I! Jus mapped for lake texoma on the gps n we started! I should have looked for a nearby state park or some walking trails n parks close by! The gps took us to the actual lake, would have even let us drive on the water!!!

There was a park there but that was only for campers n that guy at the booth didn’t even let us in! I dont know where n how we got in last time when we went! But that some 3.5 yrs back! But he was good enough to give us route to Eisenhower state park n also another small walking trail close by, but that doesn’t lead to the lake.

We chose to go to the state park and it was some 13 miles away. I was so glad that we had enough buffer time!! It took some 15 mins in the counter to get the tickets! Then we found our way to the beach n my daughter n hub had good time in the water, waves n ball n I had a good time with my camera! Clicked a lot of pics using my call n camera! I was so happy n excited! My hub let me click pics n he took good care of Tvish!

Here are few pics from my iPhone!!











Published by Jayashree Anand

Okay .. this would be a judgement call! Anyways little known fact, I am an ambivert ...! I am not very futuristic..i totally think its a mirage! I have my own do’s and don’ts for the "present". Recently I started enjoying blogging.

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